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- Compilation by real not complex
- Pattern recognition and Machine learning, Bishop
- The elements of statistical learning, Friedman et al
- Introduction to statistical learning, James et al
- Monotony is a superfluous hypothesis in the Monotone convergence theorem for Lebesgue integral
- Nonexistence of boundary between convergent and divergent series?
- Intuitive proof of the Birkhoff ergodic theorem
- Down-To-Earth Uses of de Rham Cohomology to Convince a Wide Audience of its Usefulness
- Galois Groups vs. Fundamental Groups
- A claim of V. I. Arnold
- Classic applications of Baire category theore
- References for Furstenberg's x2 x3 conjecture
- Local dimension of measures
- Rate of convergence in the Law of Large Numbers
- Relation between pressure, Hausdorff dimension, entropy and Lyapunov exponent
- Every Hamel basis of an infinite dimensional Banach space is uncountable
- What does the topology on spec(R) tells us about R?
- Completeness is not equivalent to all contractions have a fixed point
- Identity map from H^2(-pi,pi) to L^2(-pi,pi) is Hilbert-Schmidt
- Intuition about Blumenthal's 0-1 law
- The category of Hilbert spaces is not Abelian
- Recurrence in infinite measure space
- A mathematical trivium, by Arnold
- Alexander Grothendieck, A Country Known Only by Name by Pierre Cartier